Conference Interpreting

German → Spanish   |   Spanish → German   |   English → German

Here, you will find an overview of the different interpreting techniques:

Simultaneous interpreting

Simultandolmetschen - Deutsch, Spanisch, Englisch - Nina Ostermann



  • Conferences in all subject areas (science, politics, economy etc.)
  • Reunions
  • Seminars
  • Gala events





In detail:
 As I listen to a speech in the source language, I immediately interpret it into the target language.
There are different methods for doing this:
With technical support:
 - in a soundproof interpretation booth
 - using a tour guide system (“PFA” in German):
I speak into a wireless microphone and the audio signal is then transmitted to the headphones of the people listening to the interpretation.
This technique is used, for instance, at factory tours or other situations where people are moving about, both indoors and outdoors.
Without technical support:
Chuchotage” or “whispering” is when I translate what is said in a low voice for a listener standing or sitting next to me.

Consecutive interpreting

Konsekutivdolmetschen - Deutsch, Spanisch, Englisch - Nina Ostermann



  • Short presentations
  • Festive speeches
  • Official receptions
  • Visits from international delegate
  • Press conferences
  • Inauguration speeches
  • Dinner speeches and toasts

In detail:
While I listen to a speech in the original language, I take notes using a special note-taking technique. Once the speaker has finished the speech (or part of it), I render what was said into the target language with the aid of my notes and my memory.
Longer speeches should be divided into sections of no more than 12 minutes, which are then interpreted before moving on to the next.





Liaison interpreting

Verhandlungsdolmetschen - Deutsch, Spanisch, Englisch - Nina Ostermann



  • Negotiations, e.g. a business deals
  • Bilateral meetings






In detail:
I interpret shorter segments of a conversation, going back and forth between the languages, usually sitting or standing between the interlocutors.

Professional consultation

Every setting has its very own communication requirements. This can make it difficult to find the right interpretation technique for your event.
I would be happy to offer you my professional advice – free of charge – to help you plan your event.

The key to a successful interpretation

Whether you are holding an annual general meeting, a product presentation, an expert lecture or a festive event: I would be happy to be your professional interpreter.

As an interpreter, my job is not only to convey a speech from one language to another but also to properly prepare myself to ensure I have a sound knowledge of the topic of your event, thus providing my clients with a consistent interpretation throughout the event.

I prepare for every job individually. This includes in-depth study of the event’s content, thorough research of technical terms and country and cultural aspects. This ensures your message will overcome any possible intercultural hurdles and be fully understood in the other language.
Broad general knowledge and continuous professional training, e.g. further training within the professional association VKD in the BDÜ association complete my profile.

Franz-Geiler-Platz 1
79106 Freiburg

Tel.: +49 176 57935265